Mets News and Morning Links - 3/7/2022

Photo by Trevor Williams via twitter

Good Morning.  Happy Birthday Mauro Gozzo and Jeff Kent. Players and Owners meet, Owners say Players went "backward" as Lockout hits Day 96 and more on last Saturday's Syracuse Mets Open House.

Section Links: Mets Links, MLB Links, and This Day in Mets History.

Mets Links: 

Brian Joura Mets360 - One of the Bets Mets Bloggers out there wites about "Salary caps stink yet MLB owners faring quite well without one" saying "My opinion is that salary caps stink. But I’m equally upset with fat-cat owners who continually cry poor yet fail to open their books so we can accurately see how much money they make or lose in a normal year." (Subscription required).

Rising Apple suggests that the Best Mets Trade with the Pirates was: Neil Walker.

Rising Apple: 2 of the greatest Mets trades went down as the worst nightmare for other teams - The David Cone trade for KC and Johan Santana trade for the Twins.

The Mediagoon posted the latest Ulti-Met Collection video "Long time collector Livio takes us inside his Mets collection" but that is not the whole story.  Check out this other post from Mediagoon in 2017 on Livio and the sale of the Mike Piazza 9/11 Jersey.

Mack's Mets:


SportSpyder Mets Links: 

MLB and SportSpyder NL East and MLB Links:

SNY.TV: Latest on MLB lockout: MLB feels MLBPA made worse proposal on Sunday, two sides at a stall.

NY Post: MLB could soon cancel more games with two sides ‘deadlocked’. "After Sunday’s meeting, MLB spokesman Glen Caplin responded to the MLBPA proposal, saying: 'We were hoping to see some movement in our direction to give us additional flexibility and get a deal done quickly. The Players Association chose to come back to us with a proposal that was worse than Monday night and was not designed to move the process forward. On some issues, they even went backwards. Simply put, we are deadlocked. We will try to figure out how to respond, but nothing in this proposal makes it easy.'”

MLB Trade Rumors:

Yahoo Sports:

CBS Sports:


Today in Mets History Per 

Born on this date:

Los Angeles Dodgers signed Craig Brazell of the New York Mets as a free agent on March 7, 2006.

New York Mets signed free agent Carlos Gomez of the Tampa Bay Rays on March 7, 2019.

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