Free Link to Mets360: A zippy interview with Dan Szymborski

By Chris Dial

Dan Szymborski self-describes as “Senior Writer for FanGraphs, ESPN contributor, data provider for teams/agents, ZiPSetician, gamer, exasperating, possibly the worst. BBWAA, Digital Dandy.”

Dan and I have been friends for about 27 years, discussing and arguing baseball on USENET discussion boards. He developed ZiPS, the premier projection system for 20+ years, and I developed RED, one of the metrics the SABR Defensive Inex (SDI) uses to vote for the Gold Gloves. Dan parlayed his into membership into the BBWAA and a career as a baseball writer, while I had to relegate myself to pharmaceutical drug development.

He agreed to answer some questions for us:

M360: What is your favorite team and why do you hate mine?

DS: My favorite team is the Orioles and I hate the Mets because Chris Dial loves them.

How do you respond to people who believe that human comps are worthless in projecting performance?

DS: I’d ask what the alternative is. Everything we know about baseball is derived from baseball history. There’s no experimental data, we can only know about baseball based on how baseball has worked.

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