Full transcript: Max Scherzer's Post Game Press Conference

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Max Scherzer

Postgame Press Conference 

San Diego - 7, New York - 1

Q. Max, why do you think you struggled like that tonight?

MAX SCHERZER: I felt like my -- my fastball was running on me. I didn't have a good fastball location. For me, working glove side with my fastballs, usually when I execute that, it stays on -- plain on the glove side part of the plate, and it usually has ride. So I keep on the glove side.

From watching the film and just watching how they were able to take swings, my fastball was running on me. I wasn't able to command that fastball the way I usually can. That's my bread and butter to be able to set up everything else.

When my fastball's flat and then running, that's usually when I get hit a lot. Obviously tonight I got hit a lot.

Don't know why that is. I thought I made the right adjustment to come in tonight. Usually when I'm in the right position, usually the fastball has ride, and tonight it didn't.

Q. As someone who's talked about relishing these types of moments and having success in these types of games, just what is your level of disappointment right now with how tonight went?

MAX SCHERZER: Yeah, of course I'm disappointed, but I don't know what else -- yeah, the baseball can take you to the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, and this is one of the lowest of lows.

Q. You mentioned not knowing why the fastball was flat, et cetera. How unusual is that for you to two starts in a row now not really be able to put your finger on what's going on?

MAX SCHERZER: I thought I made the right -- I had a feel for what was going on in the Atlanta start. I thought I made the adjustment to get me right. That's why I can't -- tonight I don't know why the fastball ran. I don't know why I didn't have my good fastball, the way I can usually pitch and locate.

There's just several fastballs I watched tonight where the fastball must look like it was sinking versus having ride. Yeah, that's going to be a late night for me.

Q. What would your advice to the group be going into an elimination game tomorrow?

MAX SCHERZER: Just win. They've done it the whole year. Turn the page, move on, compete the next time. We've got Jake going tomorrow, so that will be good.

Q. Max, I know you've been insistent that there's been nothing physical, the oblique is fine. Was there anything at all physical that affected you in this start?

MAX SCHERZER: I don't think so. I felt good.

Q. Max, you said this is one of the lowest of lows. Assuming you get a chance to pitch again in this postseason, do you think you'll be able to put this out of your head? How will that affect you going forward?

MAX SCHERZER: Of course. I can make adjustments, come back and attack. I know what I need to do to be successful. If I get another shot to pitch, yeah, I know what I need to do.

Q. Max, how much do you think the time you missed and the intermittent injuries had an effect on you that gets you to this point?

MAX SCHERZER: I don't know. I came back from the last one, the Milwaukee start, I was locked in, executing pitches. Went to the Oakland start, was executing pitches. Then the wheels fell off. I don't know why.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
125572-1-2377 2022-10-08 03:22:00 GM

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